End Suction Pumps
Floor mounted End Suction Pumps with foot supported volutes in several designs. Flows to 4000 GPM
Small maintenance-free pumps (Series 1522)
Foot mounted close coupled cast iron pumps (Series e-1531, e-1535)
Small foot mounted close coupled stainless steel pumps (Series 3530)
Base mounted pumps (Series e-1510)

Multi-Stage Pumps
Vertical high-pressure pumps (Series e-SV)for water boost applications. Stainless steel or cast iron construction with multiple suction and discharge orientations. Flows to 350 GPM and 800 feet TDH. Designed to handle a wide range of filtration, pressure boost, wash system and boiler feed applications

Vertical Turbine Pumps
Multi-stage Vertical Turbine Pumps with bronze impellers and cast iron bowls.
The line shaft turbine pumps have above-ground discharge with water-lubricated line shaft bearings. The column pipe coupling has bronze centring spiders with fluted-rubber line shaft bearings. The bowls are Vitra-glass coated in the waterways for improved efficiencies. Capacities up to 10,000 GPM with heads to 150 feet per stage.